Sunday, October 30, 2016

My Best Experience

             Life experiences whether they are good or bad can
influence a person’s life in a positive way. One of the best experiences in my life came after overcoming some obstacles that were stopping me from enjoying life. Those challenges that I was able to overcome shaped me into the person that I am today. In addition, the process of facing my fears gave me the opportunity to create things that are meaningful to me.
             I became motivated to set goals for myself and to work hard to achieve them. Since I was always bothered by the fact that I didn’t finish school, my first goal was to complete my education. Of course I was overwhelmed by the fact that it had been more than a decade since I stepped foot inside a classroom, but I wasn't going to let that get in the way of finishing school. As a result, I reached my goal and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in the field of education.        
             The best experience of my life was not a single event but a long journey that taught me to focus on 
establishing and setting goals that will ultimately enhance my life. From this, I have gained inner peace. 


influence (verb) - to have an impact on somebody or something
overcoming (verb) - defeat a problem
(noun) - something that blocks progress
challenges (noun) - difficult task or problem
motivated (verb) - willing or committed to something
overwhelmed (verb) - having to many things to deal with, overpowered with emotions
decade (noun) - ten years
 (verb) - to start something
(adverb) -  eventually

Vocabulary Exercise: 

Grammar Point: Abstract nouns
names an idea, feeling, quality, or concept. You can't see, hear, smell, taste, or touch an abstract noun because it is not a physical object. For example, in the above paragraphs, the words obstacles, challenges, and decade are abstract nouns.

Grammar Exercise: Write six sentences using the abstract nouns obstacleschallengesdecade and three more abstract nouns from the above paragraphs

                                      Concrete Versus Abstract Noun Song



  1. I loved reading about your journey in education. I think many people can relate to your experience and will appreciate the fact that you are sharing it here. The youtube video really reinforces what concrete and abstract nouns are and is a great tool to help students remember what they are by using a song.

  2. It is wonderful that you set such important goals for yourself and achieved them. Nice entry!

  3. It will be inspiring to others to read this type of post, especially struggling ENL students who may want to give up. I like how you said your best experience was a journey rather and a single moment.
