Sunday, October 30, 2016

Embarrassing Halloween

             I enjoy celebrating Halloween because of the spooky house decorations, the tasty treats, and the colorful costumes. However, one Halloween I decided to go to an annual Halloween party given by a school near my Manhattan neighborhood in the gymnasium and it turned out to be one of the most embarrassing experiences of my teenage life. For the party, I made my own punk rocker costume. I color sprayed my hair pink and blue, wore fishnet gloves and stockings, put on heavy bright makeup and long black nails, and wore mismatched jewelry. My friend who accompanied me to the party, dressed up in a baby costume. She wore yellow footed pajamas with a matching large bonnet and a jumbo pacifier around her neck. 
              We looked silly but amusing in our costumes and we felt a bit foolish on the way to the party since we were the only two people dressed in costumes because it wasn’t Halloween yet. It also did not help that I fell and scraped my knee on our walk to the party. When we arrived at the school the steel doors were locked and no one was there. A nice little old man came up to us and told us that the Halloween party was held the night before! We were having a terrible night. Our walk back home was an embarrassing Halloween walk of shame.

Halloween (noun) - October 31, children dress up in costumes and go to houses asking for candy
(adjective) – once a year
gymnasium (noun) – exercise room or sports center
embarrassing (adjective) – feeling uncomfortable and foolish
mismatched (verb, past tense) – to match badly
accompanied (verb, past tense) – to go with someone
bonnet (noun) - hat
jumbo (adjective) – very large
amusing (adjective) – funny

Vocabulary Exercise:
Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.
1. Many schools have a ________for students to exercise and practice playing sports.
2. Punk rockers often wear________ clothing.
3. Children celebrate_______ by wearing costumes and going trick or treating.
4. It was_______ that we did not know the_______ Halloween party was held the night before.
5. My friend looked_______ in her _________ size baby _________.
6.  I was happy that my friend______ me to the party so that I didn’t go alone.

Grammar Point: An adjective is a word that tells you about a noun. For example, in the paragraphs above the words spooky and tasty are adjectives.

Grammar Exercise: Create a word cloud using these two adjectives and at least eight other adjectives from the paragraphs above.


Sample Adjective Word Cloud
Image result for adjective word cloud

Game: Practice identifying adjectives with this interactive activity <click here>

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